Axmol Engine 2.4.0-258ceca
This is the complete list of members for Vec2, including all inherited members.
add(const Vec2 &v) | Vec2 | inline |
add(const Vec2 &v1, const Vec2 &v2, Vec2 *dst) | Vec2 | static |
ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT | Vec2 | inlinestatic |
ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT | Vec2 | inlinestatic |
ANCHOR_MIDDLE | Vec2 | inlinestatic |
ANCHOR_MIDDLE_BOTTOM | Vec2 | inlinestatic |
ANCHOR_MIDDLE_LEFT | Vec2 | inlinestatic |
ANCHOR_MIDDLE_RIGHT | Vec2 | inlinestatic |
ANCHOR_MIDDLE_TOP | Vec2 | inlinestatic |
ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT | Vec2 | inlinestatic |
ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT | Vec2 | inlinestatic |
angle(const Vec2 &v1, const Vec2 &v2) | Vec2 | static |
clamp(const Vec2 &min, const Vec2 &max) | Vec2 | |
clamp(const Vec2 &v, const Vec2 &min, const Vec2 &max, Vec2 *dst) | Vec2 | static |
compOp(std::function< float(float)> function) const | Vec2 | inline |
cross(const Vec2 &other) const | Vec2 | inline |
distance(const Vec2 &v) const | Vec2 | |
distanceSquared(const Vec2 &v) const | Vec2 | inline |
dot(const Vec2 &v) const | Vec2 | inline |
dot(const Vec2 &v1, const Vec2 &v2) | Vec2 | static |
equals(const Vec2 &target) const | Vec2 | inline |
forAngle(const float a) | Vec2 | inlinestatic |
fuzzyEquals(const Vec2 &target, float variance) const | Vec2 | |
getAngle() const | Vec2 | inline |
getAngle(const Vec2 &other) const | Vec2 | |
getClampPoint(const Vec2 &min_inclusive, const Vec2 &max_inclusive) const | Vec2 | inline |
getDistance(const Vec2 &other) const | Vec2 | inline |
getDistanceSq(const Vec2 &other) const | Vec2 | inline |
getIntersectPoint(const Vec2 &A, const Vec2 &B, const Vec2 &C, const Vec2 &D) | Vec2 | static |
getLength() const | Vec2 | inline |
getLengthSq() const | Vec2 | inline |
getMidpoint(const Vec2 &other) const | Vec2 | inline |
getNormalized() const | Vec2 | |
getPerp() const | Vec2 | inline |
getRPerp() const | Vec2 | inline |
isLineIntersect(const Vec2 &A, const Vec2 &B, const Vec2 &C, const Vec2 &D, float *S=nullptr, float *T=nullptr) | Vec2 | static |
isLineOverlap(const Vec2 &A, const Vec2 &B, const Vec2 &C, const Vec2 &D) | Vec2 | static |
isLineParallel(const Vec2 &A, const Vec2 &B, const Vec2 &C, const Vec2 &D) | Vec2 | static |
isOne() const | Vec2 | inline |
isSegmentIntersect(const Vec2 &A, const Vec2 &B, const Vec2 &C, const Vec2 &D) | Vec2 | static |
isSegmentOverlap(const Vec2 &A, const Vec2 &B, const Vec2 &C, const Vec2 &D, Vec2 *S=nullptr, Vec2 *E=nullptr) | Vec2 | static |
isZero() const | Vec2 | inline |
length() const | Vec2 | |
lengthSquared() const | Vec2 | inline |
lerp(const Vec2 &other, float alpha) const | Vec2 | inline |
negate() | Vec2 | inline |
normalize() | Vec2 | |
ONE | Vec2 | inlinestatic |
operator!=(const Vec2 &v) const | Vec2 | inline |
operator*(float s) const | Vec2 | inline |
operator*=(float s) | Vec2 | inline |
operator+(const Vec2 &v) const | Vec2 | inline |
operator+=(const Vec2 &v) | Vec2 | inline |
operator-(const Vec2 &v) const | Vec2 | inline |
operator-() const | Vec2 | inline |
operator-=(const Vec2 &v) | Vec2 | inline |
operator/(float s) const | Vec2 | inline |
operator<(const Vec2 &v) const | Vec2 | inline |
operator==(const Vec2 &v) const | Vec2 | inline |
operator>(const Vec2 &v) const | Vec2 | inline |
project(const Vec2 &other) const | Vec2 | inline |
rotate(const Vec2 &point, float angle) | Vec2 | |
rotate(const Vec2 &other) const | Vec2 | inline |
rotateByAngle(const Vec2 &pivot, float angle) const | Vec2 | |
scale(float scalar) | Vec2 | inline |
scale(const Vec2 &scale) | Vec2 | inline |
set(float xx, float yy) | Vec2 | inline |
set(const float *array) | Vec2 | inline |
set(const Vec2 &v) | Vec2 | inline |
set(const Vec2 &p1, const Vec2 &p2) | Vec2 | inline |
setPoint(float xx, float yy) | Vec2 | inline |
setSize(float w, float h) | Vec2 | inline |
setZero() | Vec2 | inline |
smooth(const Vec2 &target, float elapsedTime, float responseTime) | Vec2 | inline |
subtract(const Vec2 &v) | Vec2 | inline |
subtract(const Vec2 &v1, const Vec2 &v2, Vec2 *dst) | Vec2 | static |
UNIT_X | Vec2 | inlinestatic |
UNIT_Y | Vec2 | inlinestatic |
unrotate(const Vec2 &other) const | Vec2 | inline |
Vec2() | Vec2 | inline |
Vec2(float xx, float yy) | Vec2 | inline |
Vec2(const float *array) | Vec2 | inline |
Vec2(const Vec2 &p1, const Vec2 &p2) | Vec2 | inline |
ZERO | Vec2 | inlinestatic |