Axmol Engine 2.4.0-258ceca
This is the complete list of members for RichElementText, including all inherited members.
_ID | Object | |
_luaID | Object | |
autorelease() | Object | |
BOLD_FLAG enum value | RichElementText | |
create(int tag, const Color3B &color, uint8_t opacity, std::string_view text, std::string_view fontName, float fontSize, uint32_t flags=0, std::string_view url="", const Color3B &outlineColor=Color3B::WHITE, int outlineSize=-1, const Color3B &shadowColor=Color3B::BLACK, const Vec2 &shadowOffset=Vec2(2.0, -2.0), int shadowBlurRadius=0, const Color3B &glowColor=Color3B::WHITE, std::string_view id=""sv) | RichElementText | static |
getReferenceCount() const | Object | |
GLOW_FLAG enum value | RichElementText | |
init(int tag, const Color3B &color, uint8_t opacity, std::string_view text, std::string_view fontName, float fontSize, uint32_t flags, std::string_view url, const Color3B &outlineColor=Color3B::WHITE, int outlineSize=-1, const Color3B &shadowColor=Color3B::BLACK, const Vec2 &shadowOffset=Vec2(2.0, -2.0), int shadowBlurRadius=0, const Color3B &glowColor=Color3B::WHITE, std::string_view id=""sv) | RichElementText | |
ax::ui::RichElement::init(int tag, const Color3B &color, uint8_t opacity) | RichElement | |
ITALICS_FLAG enum value | RichElementText | |
OUTLINE_FLAG enum value | RichElementText | |
release() | Object | |
retain() | Object | |
RichElementText() | RichElementText | inline |
SHADOW_FLAG enum value | RichElementText | |
STRIKETHROUGH_FLAG enum value | RichElementText | |
Type enum name | RichElement | |
UNDERLINE_FLAG enum value | RichElementText | |
URL_FLAG enum value | RichElementText | |
~Object() | Object | virtual |