Axmol Engine 2.4.0-258ceca
This is the complete list of members for TextFieldTTF, including all inherited members.
_ID | Object | |
_luaID | Object | |
addChild(Node *child) | Node | virtual |
addChild(Node *child, int localZOrder) | Node | virtual |
addChild(Node *child, int localZOrder, int tag) | Node | virtual |
addChild(Node *child, int localZOrder, std::string_view name) | Node | virtual |
addComponent(Component *component) | Node | virtual |
appendString(std::string_view text) | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
applyMaskOnEnter(bool applyChildren) | Node | |
attachWithIME() override | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
autorelease() | Object | |
cleanup() | Node | virtual |
convertToNodeSpace(const Vec2 &worldPoint) const | Node | |
convertToNodeSpaceAR(const Vec2 &worldPoint) const | Node | |
convertTouchToNodeSpace(Touch *touch) const | Node | |
convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR(Touch *touch) const | Node | |
convertToWorldSpace(const Vec2 &nodePoint) const | Node | |
convertToWorldSpaceAR(const Vec2 &nodePoint) const | Node | |
create() | Label | static |
createWithBMFont(std::string_view bmfontPath, std::string_view text, const TextHAlignment &hAlignment=TextHAlignment::LEFT, int maxLineWidth=0) | Label | static |
createWithBMFont(std::string_view bmfontPath, std::string_view text, const TextHAlignment &hAlignment, int maxLineWidth, const Rect &imageRect, bool imageRotated) | Label | static |
createWithBMFont(std::string_view bmfontPath, std::string_view text, const TextHAlignment &hAlignment, int maxLineWidth, std::string_view subTextureKey) | Label | static |
createWithCharMap(std::string_view charMapFile, int itemWidth, int itemHeight, int startCharMap) | Label | static |
createWithCharMap(Texture2D *texture, int itemWidth, int itemHeight, int startCharMap) | Label | static |
createWithCharMap(std::string_view plistFile) | Label | static |
createWithSystemFont(std::string_view text, std::string_view font, float fontSize, const Vec2 &dimensions=Vec2::ZERO, TextHAlignment hAlignment=TextHAlignment::LEFT, TextVAlignment vAlignment=TextVAlignment::TOP) | Label | static |
createWithTTF(std::string_view text, std::string_view fontFilePath, float fontSize, const Vec2 &dimensions=Vec2::ZERO, TextHAlignment hAlignment=TextHAlignment::LEFT, TextVAlignment vAlignment=TextVAlignment::TOP) | Label | static |
createWithTTF(const TTFConfig &ttfConfig, std::string_view text, TextHAlignment hAlignment=TextHAlignment::LEFT, int maxLineWidth=0) | Label | static |
detachWithIME() override | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
disableEffect() | Label | virtual |
disableEffect(LabelEffect effect) | Label | virtual |
draw(Renderer *renderer, const Mat4 &transform, uint32_t flags) override | Label | virtual |
enableBold() | Label | |
enableGlow(const Color4B &glowColor) | Label | virtual |
enableItalics() | Label | |
enableOutline(const Color4B &outlineColor, int outlineSize=-1) | Label | virtual |
enableShadow(const Color4B &shadowColor=Color4B::BLACK, const Vec2 &offset=Vec2(2, -2), int blurRadius=0) | Label | virtual |
enableStrikethrough() | Label | |
enableUnderline() | Label | |
enableWrap(bool enable) | Label | |
enumerateChildren(std::string_view name, std::function< bool(Node *node)> callback) const | Node | virtual |
getActionByTag(int tag) | Node | |
getActionManager() | Node | inlinevirtual |
getAdditionalKerning() const | Label | |
getAnchorPoint() const | Node | virtual |
getAnchorPointInPoints() const | Node | virtual |
getAttachedNodeCount() | Node | static |
getBMFontFilePath() const | Label | inline |
getBMFontSize() const | Label | |
getBoundingBox() const override | Label | virtual |
getCameraMask() const | Node | inline |
getCharCount() const | TextFieldTTF | inline |
getChildByName(std::string_view name) const | Node | virtual |
getChildByName(std::string_view name) const | Node | inline |
getChildByTag(int tag) const | Node | virtual |
getChildByTag(int tag) const | Node | inline |
getChildren() | Node | inlinevirtual |
getChildrenCount() const | Node | virtual |
getColor() const | Node | virtual |
getColorSpaceHolder() | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
getComponent(std::string_view name) | Node | |
getContentSize() const override | Label | virtual |
getDelegate() const | TextFieldTTF | inline |
getDescription() const override | Label | virtual |
getDisplayedColor() const | Node | virtual |
getDisplayedOpacity() const | Node | virtual |
getEffectColor() const | Label | inline |
getEventDispatcher() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
getGlobalZOrder() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
getHorizontalAlignment() const | Label | inline |
getLabelEffectType() const | Label | inline |
getLabelType() const | Label | inline |
getLetter(int lettetIndex) | Label | virtual |
getLineHeight() const | Label | |
getLocalZOrder() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
getName() const | Node | virtual |
getNodeToParentAffineTransform(Node *ancestor) const | Node | virtual |
getNodeToParentTransform() const | Node | virtual |
getNodeToParentTransform(Node *ancestor) const | Node | virtual |
getNodeToWorldTransform() const | Node | virtual |
getNumberOfRunningActions() const | Node | |
getNumberOfRunningActionsByTag(int tag) const | Node | |
getOnEnterCallback() const | Node | inline |
getOnEnterTransitionDidFinishCallback() const | Node | inline |
getOnExitCallback() const | Node | inline |
getOnExitTransitionDidStartCallback() const | Node | inline |
getOpacity() const | Node | virtual |
getOutlineSize() const | Label | inline |
getOverflow() const | Label | |
getParent() | Node | inlinevirtual |
getParentToNodeTransform() const | Node | virtual |
getPlaceHolder() const | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
getPosition() const | Node | virtual |
getPosition(float *x, float *y) const | Node | virtual |
getPosition3D() const | Node | virtual |
getPositionNormalized() const | Node | virtual |
getPositionX() const | Node | virtual |
getPositionY() const | Node | virtual |
getPositionZ() const | Node | virtual |
getReferenceCount() const | Object | |
getRenderingFontSize() const | Label | |
getRotation() const | Node | virtual |
getRotation3D() const | Node | virtual |
getRotationQuat() const | Node | virtual |
getRotationSkewX() const | Node | virtual |
getRotationSkewY() const | Node | virtual |
getScale() const | Node | virtual |
getScaleX() const | Node | virtual |
getScaleY() const | Node | virtual |
getScaleZ() const | Node | virtual |
getScene() const | Node | virtual |
getScheduler() | Node | inlinevirtual |
getShadowBlurRadius() const | Label | inline |
getShadowColor() const | Label | inline |
getShadowOffset() const | Label | inline |
getSkewX() const | Node | virtual |
getSkewY() const | Node | virtual |
getString() const override | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
getStringLength() | Label | |
getStringNumLines() | Label | |
getSystemFontName() const | Label | inlinevirtual |
getSystemFontSize() const | Label | inlinevirtual |
getTag() const | Node | virtual |
getTextAlignment() const | Label | inline |
getTextColor() const | Label | inline |
getTTFConfig() const | Label | inlinevirtual |
getTTFFaceSize() const | Label | |
getUserData() | Node | inlinevirtual |
getUserData() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
getUserObject() | Node | inlinevirtual |
getUserObject() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
getVerticalAlignment() const | Label | inline |
getWorldPosition() const | Node | |
getWorldToNodeTransform() const | Node | virtual |
hitTest(const Vec2 &worldPoint) const | Node | virtual |
initWithPlaceHolder(std::string_view placeholder, const Vec2 &dimensions, TextHAlignment alignment, std::string_view fontName, float fontSize) | TextFieldTTF | |
initWithPlaceHolder(std::string_view placeholder, std::string_view fontName, float fontSize) | TextFieldTTF | |
INVALID_TAG | Node | static |
isCascadeColorEnabled() const | Node | virtual |
isCascadeOpacityEnabled() const | Node | virtual |
isIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition() const | Node | virtual |
isOpacityModifyRGB() const override | Label | inlinevirtual |
isRunning() const | Node | virtual |
isScheduled(SEL_SCHEDULE selector) const | Node | |
isScheduled(std::string_view key) const | Node | |
isSecureTextEntry() const | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
isShadowEnabled() const | Label | inline |
isVisible() const | Node | virtual |
isWrapEnabled() const | Label | |
Label(TextHAlignment hAlignment=TextHAlignment::LEFT, TextVAlignment vAlignment=TextVAlignment::TOP) | Label | |
onEnter() | Node | virtual |
onEnterTransitionDidFinish() | Node | virtual |
onExit() | Node | virtual |
onExitTransitionDidStart() | Node | virtual |
Overflow enum name | Label | |
pause() | Node | virtual |
release() | Object | |
removeAllChildren() | Node | virtual |
removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool cleanup) override | Label | virtual |
removeAllComponents() | Node | virtual |
removeChild(Node *child, bool cleanup=true) override | Label | virtual |
removeChildByName(std::string_view name, bool cleanup=true) | Node | virtual |
removeChildByTag(int tag, bool cleanup=true) | Node | virtual |
removeComponent(std::string_view name) | Node | virtual |
removeComponent(Component *component) | Node | virtual |
removeFromParent() | Node | virtual |
removeFromParentAndCleanup(bool cleanup) | Node | virtual |
reorderChild(Node *child, int localZOrder) | Node | virtual |
requestSystemFontRefresh() | Label | inlinevirtual |
resume() | Node | virtual |
retain() | Object | |
runAction(Action *action) | Node | virtual |
schedule(SEL_SCHEDULE selector, float interval, unsigned int repeat, float delay) | Node | |
schedule(SEL_SCHEDULE selector, float interval) | Node | |
schedule(SEL_SCHEDULE selector) | Node | |
schedule(const std::function< void(float)> &callback, std::string_view key) | Node | |
schedule(const std::function< void(float)> &callback, float interval, std::string_view key) | Node | |
schedule(const std::function< void(float)> &callback, float interval, unsigned int repeat, float delay, std::string_view key) | Node | |
scheduleOnce(SEL_SCHEDULE selector, float delay) | Node | |
scheduleOnce(const std::function< void(float)> &callback, float delay, std::string_view key) | Node | |
scheduleUpdate() | Node | |
scheduleUpdateWithPriority(int priority) | Node | |
scheduleUpdateWithPriorityLua(int handler, int priority) | Node | |
setActionManager(ActionManager *actionManager) | Node | virtual |
setAdditionalKerning(float space) | Label | |
setAdditionalTransform(const Mat4 *additionalTransform) | Node | |
setAlignment(TextHAlignment hAlignment) | Label | inline |
setAlignment(TextHAlignment hAlignment, TextVAlignment vAlignment) | Label | |
setAnchorPoint(const Vec2 &anchorPoint) | Node | virtual |
setBMFontFilePath(std::string_view bmfontFilePath, float fontSize=0) | Label | virtual |
setBMFontFilePath(std::string_view bmfontFilePath, const Rect &imageRect, bool imageRotated, float fontSize=0) | Label | virtual |
setBMFontFilePath(std::string_view bmfontFilePath, std::string_view subTextureKey, float fontSize=0) | Label | virtual |
setBMFontSize(float fontSize) | Label | |
setCameraMask(unsigned short mask, bool applyChildren=true) override | Label | virtual |
setCascadeColorEnabled(bool cascadeColorEnabled) | Node | virtual |
setCascadeOpacityEnabled(bool cascadeOpacityEnabled) | Node | virtual |
setCharMap(std::string_view charMapFile, int itemWidth, int itemHeight, int startCharMap) | Label | virtual |
setCharMap(Texture2D *texture, int itemWidth, int itemHeight, int startCharMap) | Label | virtual |
setCharMap(std::string_view plistFile) | Label | virtual |
setClipMarginEnabled(bool clipEnabled) | Label | inline |
setColor(const Color3B &color) | Node | virtual |
setColorSpaceHolder(const Color3B &color) | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
setColorSpaceHolder(const Color4B &color) | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
setContentSize(const Vec2 &contentSize) | Node | virtual |
setCursorChar(char cursor) | TextFieldTTF | |
setCursorEnabled(bool enabled) | TextFieldTTF | |
setCursorFromPoint(const Vec2 &point, const Camera *camera) | TextFieldTTF | |
setCursorPosition(std::size_t cursorPosition) | TextFieldTTF | |
setDelegate(TextFieldDelegate *delegate) | TextFieldTTF | inline |
setDimensions(float width, float height) | Label | |
setEventDispatcher(EventDispatcher *dispatcher) | Node | virtual |
setGlobalZOrder(float globalZOrder) override | Label | virtual |
setHeight(float height) | Label | inline |
setHorizontalAlignment(TextHAlignment hAlignment) | Label | inline |
setIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition(bool ignore) | Node | virtual |
setLineBreakWithoutSpace(bool breakWithoutSpace) | Label | |
setLineHeight(float height) | Label | |
setLocalZOrder(int localZOrder) | Node | virtual |
setMaxLineWidth(float maxLineWidth) | Label | |
setName(std::string_view name) | Node | virtual |
setNodeToParentTransform(const Mat4 &transform) | Node | virtual |
setOnEnterCallback(const std::function< void()> &callback) | Node | inline |
setOnEnterTransitionDidFinishCallback(const std::function< void()> &callback) | Node | inline |
setOnExitCallback(const std::function< void()> &callback) | Node | inline |
setOnExitTransitionDidStartCallback(const std::function< void()> &callback) | Node | inline |
setOpacity(uint8_t opacity) | Node | virtual |
setOpacityModifyRGB(bool isOpacityModifyRGB) override | Label | virtual |
setOverflow(Overflow overflow) | Label | |
setParent(Node *parent) | Node | virtual |
setPlaceHolder(std::string_view text) | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
setPosition(const Vec2 &position) | Node | virtual |
setPosition(float x, float y) | Node | virtual |
setPosition3D(const Vec3 &position) | Node | virtual |
setPositionNormalized(const Vec2 &position) | Node | virtual |
setPositionX(float x) | Node | virtual |
setPositionY(float y) | Node | virtual |
setPositionZ(float positionZ) | Node | virtual |
setProgramState(backend::ProgramState *programState, bool ownPS=false) override | Label | virtual |
setProgramStateByProgramId(uint64_t progId) | Node | |
setRotation(float rotation) | Node | virtual |
setRotation3D(const Vec3 &rotation) | Node | virtual |
setRotationQuat(const Quaternion &quat) | Node | virtual |
setRotationSkewX(float rotationX) | Node | virtual |
setRotationSkewY(float rotationY) | Node | virtual |
setScale(float scale) | Node | virtual |
setScale(float scaleX, float scaleY) | Node | virtual |
setScaleX(float scaleX) | Node | virtual |
setScaleY(float scaleY) | Node | virtual |
setScaleZ(float scaleZ) | Node | virtual |
setScheduler(Scheduler *scheduler) | Node | virtual |
setSecureTextEntry(bool value) | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
setSkewX(float skewX) | Node | virtual |
setSkewY(float skewY) | Node | virtual |
setString(std::string_view text) override | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
setSystemFontName(std::string_view font) | Label | virtual |
setTag(int tag) | Node | virtual |
setTextColor(const Color4B &textColor) override | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
setTTFConfig(const TTFConfig &ttfConfig) | Label | virtual |
setTTFFaceSize(int faceSize) | Label | |
setUserData(void *userData) | Node | virtual |
setUserObject(Object *userObject) | Node | virtual |
setVerticalAlignment(TextVAlignment vAlignment) | Label | inline |
setVisible(bool visible) | Node | virtual |
setWidth(float width) | Label | inline |
setWorldPosition(const Vec2 &position) | Node | |
sortAllChildren() | Node | virtual |
sortNodes(ax::Vector< _T * > &nodes) | Node | inlinestatic |
stopAction(Action *action) | Node | |
stopActionByTag(int tag) | Node | |
stopActionsByFlags(unsigned int flags) | Node | |
stopAllActions() | Node | |
stopAllActionsByTag(int tag) | Node | |
TextFieldTTF() | TextFieldTTF | |
textFieldWithPlaceHolder(std::string_view placeholder, const Vec2 &dimensions, TextHAlignment alignment, std::string_view fontName, float fontSize) | TextFieldTTF | static |
textFieldWithPlaceHolder(std::string_view placeholder, std::string_view fontName, float fontSize) | TextFieldTTF | static |
unschedule(SEL_SCHEDULE selector) | Node | |
unschedule(std::string_view key) | Node | |
unscheduleAllCallbacks() | Node | |
update(float delta) override | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
updateContent() | Label | virtual |
updateDisplayedColor(const Color3B &parentColor) override | Label | virtual |
updateDisplayedOpacity(uint8_t parentOpacity) override | Label | virtual |
updateOrderOfArrival() | Node | |
updateTransform() | Node | virtual |
visit(Renderer *renderer, const Mat4 &parentTransform, uint32_t parentFlags) override | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
~IMEDelegate() | IMEDelegate | virtual |
~Label() | Label | virtual |
~Object() | Object | virtual |
~TextFieldTTF() | TextFieldTTF | virtual |