bool | init () |
| Initializes the instance of FileUtils.
virtual std::string | getWritablePath () const |
| Gets the writable path that may not be in the format of an absolute path.
virtual bool | isAbsolutePath (std::string_view strPath) const override |
| Checks whether the path is an absolute path.
virtual std::string | getPathForFilename (std::string_view filename, std::string_view resolutionDirectory) const override |
| Gets full path for filename, resolution directory and search path.
virtual std::string | getFullPathForFilenameWithinDirectory (std::string_view strDirectory, std::string_view strFilename) const override |
| Gets full path for the directory and the filename.
virtual int64_t | getFileSize (std::string_view filepath) const override |
| Retrieve the file size.
std::string | getNativeWritableAbsolutePath () const override |
| Gets the writable path in the native file-system format.
virtual | ~FileUtils () |
| The destructor of FileUtils.
virtual void | purgeCachedEntries () |
| Purges full path caches.
virtual std::string | getStringFromFile (std::string_view filename) const |
| Gets string from a file.
virtual Data | getDataFromFile (std::string_view filename) const |
| Creates binary data from a file.
template<typename T, typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<is_resizable_container_v<T>>> |
Status | getContents (std::string_view filename, T *buffer) const |
| Gets whole file contents as string from a file.
virtual std::string | fullPathForFilename (std::string_view filename) const |
| Returns the fullpath for a given filename.
virtual std::string | fullPathFromRelativeFile (std::string_view filename, std::string_view relativeFile) const |
| Gets full path from a file name and the path of the relative file.
virtual std::string | fullPathForDirectory (std::string_view dirname) const |
| Returns the fullpath for a given dirname.
virtual void | setSearchPaths (const std::vector< std::string > &searchPaths) |
| Sets the array of search paths.
const std::string & | getDefaultResourceRootPath () const |
| Get default resource root path.
void | setDefaultResourceRootPath (std::string_view path) |
| Set default resource root path.
void | addSearchPath (std::string_view path, const bool front=false) |
| Add search path.
virtual const std::vector< std::string > & | getSearchPaths () const |
| Gets the array of search paths.
virtual const std::vector< std::string > & | getOriginalSearchPaths () const |
| Gets the original search path array set by 'setSearchPaths' or 'addSearchPath'.
virtual void | setWritablePath (std::string_view writablePath) |
| Sets writable path.
virtual void | setPopupNotify (bool notify) |
| Sets whether to pop-up a message box when failed to load an image.
virtual bool | isPopupNotify () const |
| Checks whether to pop up a message box when failed to load an image.
virtual ValueMap | getValueMapFromFile (std::string_view filename) const |
| Converts the contents of a file to a ValueMap.
virtual ValueMap | getValueMapFromData (const char *filedata, int filesize) const |
| Converts the contents of a file to a ValueMap.
virtual bool | writeToFile (const ValueMap &dict, std::string_view fullPath) const |
| write a ValueMap into a plist file
virtual bool | writeStringToFile (std::string_view dataStr, std::string_view fullPath) const |
| write a string into a file
virtual bool | writeDataToFile (const Data &data, std::string_view fullPath) const |
| write Data into a file
virtual bool | writeValueMapToFile (const ValueMap &dict, std::string_view fullPath) const |
| write ValueMap into a plist file
virtual bool | writeValueVectorToFile (const ValueVector &vecData, std::string_view fullPath) const |
| write ValueVector into a plist file
virtual bool | isFileExist (std::string_view filename) const |
| Checks whether a file exists.
virtual bool | isDirectoryExist (std::string_view dirPath) const |
| Checks whether the path is a directory.
virtual std::vector< std::string > | listFiles (std::string_view dirPath) const |
| List all files in a directory.
virtual void | listFilesRecursively (std::string_view dirPath, std::vector< std::string > *files) const |
| List all files recursively in a directory.
AX_DEPRECATED(2.1) virtual void getStringFromFile(std AX_DEPRECATED(2.1) virtual void getDataFromFile(std AX_DEPRECATED(2.1) virtual void writeStringToFile(std | AX_DEPRECATED (2.1) virtual void writeDataToFile(Data data |
| Gets string from a file, async off the main cocos thread.
| AX_DEPRECATED (2.1) virtual void writeValueMapToFile(ValueMap dict |
| Write a ValueMap into a file, done async off the main cocos thread.
| AX_DEPRECATED (2.1) virtual void writeValueVectorToFile(ValueVector vecData |
| Write a ValueVector into a file, done async off the main cocos thread.
AX_DEPRECATED(2.1) virtual void isFileExist(std | AX_DEPRECATED (2.1) static std |
| Checks if a file exists, done async off the main cocos thread.
AX_DEPRECATED(2.1) virtual void isDirectoryExist(std AX_DEPRECATED(2.1) bool createDirectory(std AX_DEPRECATED(2.1) void removeDirectory(std AX_DEPRECATED(2.1) virtual void removeFile(std AX_DEPRECATED(2.1) virtual void renameFile(std AX_DEPRECATED(2.1) void renameFile(std AX_DEPRECATED(2.1) void getFileSize(std AX_DEPRECATED(2.1) void listFilesAsync(std AX_DEPRECATED(2.1) void listFilesRecursivelyAsync(std const hlookup::string_map< std::string > | getFullPathCache () const |
| Checks whether the absoulate path is a directory, async off of the main cocos thread.
const hlookup::string_map< std::string > | getFullPathCacheDir () const |
| Returns the full path cache.
virtual std::unique_ptr< IFileStream > | openFileStream (std::string_view filePath, IFileStream::Mode mode) const |
| Open a FileStream based on the implementation provided in openFileStream or its overrides.
Helper class to handle file operations.