Axmol Engine 2.4.0-258ceca
No Matches
Terrain::TerrainData Struct Reference

TerrainData This TerrainData struct warp all parameter that Terrain need to create. More...

#include <Terrain.h>

Public Member Functions

 TerrainData ()
 empty constructor
 TerrainData (std::string_view heightMapsrc, std::string_view textureSrc, const Vec2 &chunksize=Vec2(32, 32), float mapHeight=2, float mapScale=0.1)
 constructor, this constructor construct a simple terrain which only have 1 detailmap
 TerrainData (std::string_view heightMapsrc, std::string_view alphamap, const DetailMap &detail1, const DetailMap &detail2, const DetailMap &detail3, const DetailMap &detail4, const Vec2 &chunksize=Vec2(32, 32), float mapHeight=2, float mapScale=0.1)
 constructor, this constructor construct a terrain which have 4 detailmaps, 1 alpha map
 TerrainData (std::string_view heightMapsrc, std::string_view alphamap, const DetailMap &detail1, const DetailMap &detail2, const DetailMap &detail3, const Vec2 &chunksize=Vec2(32, 32), float mapHeight=2, float mapScale=0.1)
 constructor, this constructor construct a terrain which have 3 detailmaps, 1 alpha map

Public Attributes

Vec2 _chunkSize
 determine the chunk size,chunk is the minimal subdivision of the Terrain
std::string _heightMapSrc
 height Map source path
std::string _alphaMapSrc
 the source path of the alpha map
DetailMap _detailMaps [4]
 detail maps
float _mapHeight
 terrain Maximum height
float _mapScale
 terrain scale factor,you can combine setScale later.
int _detailMapAmount
 the amount of detailmap
float _skirtHeightRatio
 the skirt height ratio, only effect when terrain use skirt to fix crack

Detailed Description

TerrainData This TerrainData struct warp all parameter that Terrain need to create.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: