Axmol Engine 2.4.0-258ceca
This is the complete list of members for RichElementCustomNode, including all inherited members.
_ID | Object | |
_luaID | Object | |
autorelease() | Object | |
create(int tag, const Color3B &color, uint8_t opacity, Node *customNode, std::string_view id=""sv) | RichElementCustomNode | static |
getReferenceCount() const | Object | |
init(int tag, const Color3B &color, uint8_t opacity, Node *customNode, std::string_view id=""sv) | RichElementCustomNode | |
ax::ui::RichElement::init(int tag, const Color3B &color, uint8_t opacity) | RichElement | |
release() | Object | |
retain() | Object | |
RichElementCustomNode() | RichElementCustomNode | inline |
Type enum name | RichElement | |
~Object() | Object | virtual |
~RichElementCustomNode() override | RichElementCustomNode | inline |