Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- e -
- easeActionWithAction() : TransitionEaseScene, TransitionFadeTR, TransitionMoveInL, TransitionShrinkGrow, TransitionSlideInL, TransitionSplitCols, TransitionTurnOffTiles
- EditBox() : EditBox
- editBoxEditingDidBegin() : EditBoxDelegate
- editBoxEditingDidEndWithAction() : EditBoxDelegate
- editBoxReturn() : EditBoxDelegate
- editBoxTextChanged() : EditBoxDelegate
- emplace_back() : RenderQueue
- empty() : Map< K, V, H, E >
- enableBold() : Label
- enableCookies() : HttpClient
- enableGlow() : Label, Text
- enableInstancing() : Mesh, MeshRenderer
- enableItalics() : Label
- enableOutline() : Label, Text
- enableShadow() : Label, Text
- enableStrikethrough() : Label
- enableUnderline() : Label
- enableWrap() : Label
- end() : AudioEngine, Director, GLView, Map< K, V, H, E >, RenderTexture
- endFrame() : CommandBuffer, CommandBufferGL, CommandBufferMTL
- endRenderPass() : CommandBuffer, CommandBufferGL, CommandBufferMTL
- enqueue() : AsyncTaskPool
- enumerateChildren() : Node
- eof() : BundleReader
- equals() : Rect, Margin, Vec2
- erase() : Map< K, V, H, E >
- eraseFrame() : SpriteFrameCache
- evaluate() : AnimationCurve< componentSize >
- Event() : Event
- EventAcceleration() : EventAcceleration
- EventCustom() : EventCustom
- EventDispatcher() : EventDispatcher
- EventFocus() : EventFocus
- EventKeyboard() : EventKeyboard
- EventListener() : EventListener
- EventListenerCustom() : EventListenerCustom
- EventMouse() : EventMouse
- EventTouch() : EventTouch
- execute() : CallbackCommand, CallFunc, CallFuncN
- executeGlobalFunction() : ScriptEngineProtocol
- executeScriptFile() : ScriptEngineProtocol
- executeString() : ScriptEngineProtocol
- exists() : Properties
- expand() : AutoPolygon