Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- d -
- data : ScriptEvent
- decompose() : Mat4
- deleteValueForKey() : UserDefault
- DepthStencilStateGL() : DepthStencilStateGL
- DepthStencilStateMTL() : DepthStencilStateMTL
- destroyInstance() : AnimationCache, AsyncTaskPool, ProgramManager, Configuration, FileUtils, HttpClient, ScriptEngineManager, SpriteFrameCache, UserDefault
- detachWithIME() : IMEDelegate, TextFieldTTF, TextField
- determinant() : Mat4
- determineIndex() : AnimationCurve< componentSize >
- didNotSelectSelf() : TextField
- Direction : LoadingBar, ScrollView
- Director() : Director
- DISABLE : BlendFunc
- disableEffect() : Label, Text
- disableParticle() : ParticleBatchNode
- dispatchControlKey() : IMEDispatcher
- dispatchCustomEvent() : EventDispatcher
- dispatchDeleteBackward() : IMEDispatcher
- dispatchEvent() : EventDispatcher
- dispatchFocusEvent() : Widget
- dispatchInsertText() : IMEDispatcher
- dispatchKeyboardDidHide() : IMEDispatcher
- dispatchKeyboardDidShow() : IMEDispatcher
- dispatchKeyboardWillHide() : IMEDispatcher
- dispatchKeyboardWillShow() : IMEDispatcher
- DispatchMode : Touch
- dist2Plane() : Plane
- distance() : Vec2, Vec3, Vec4
- distanceSquared() : Vec2, Vec3, Vec4
- doLayout() : Helper, LayoutManager
- dot() : Vec2, Vec3, Vec4
- draw() : AtlasNode, BillBoard, DrawNode, FastTMXLayer, Label, LayerRadialGradient, MeshRenderer, MotionStreak3D, MotionStreak, Node, ParticleBatchNode, ParticleSystemQuad, ProgressTimer, RenderTexture, Skybox, Sprite, SpriteBatchNode, Terrain, TransitionCrossFade, TransitionFadeTR, TransitionPageTurn, TransitionScene, TransitionSplitCols, TransitionTurnOffTiles, EditBox
- drawArrays() : CommandBuffer, CommandBufferGL, CommandBufferMTL
- drawAtPoint() : Texture2D
- drawBackground() : CameraBackgroundBrush, CameraBackgroundColorBrush, CameraBackgroundDepthBrush, CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush
- drawCardinalSpline() : DrawNode
- drawCatmullRom() : DrawNode
- drawCircle() : DrawNode
- drawColoredTriangle() : DrawNode
- drawCubicBezier() : DrawNode
- drawDot() : DrawNode
- drawElements() : CommandBuffer, CommandBufferGL, CommandBufferMTL
- drawElementsInstanced() : CommandBuffer, CommandBufferGL, CommandBufferGLES2, CommandBufferMTL
- drawInRect() : Texture2D
- drawLine() : DrawNode
- DrawMode : DrawNode
- drawPie() : DrawNode
- drawPoint() : DrawNode
- drawPoints() : DrawNode
- drawPoly() : DrawNode
- drawPolygon() : DrawNode
- drawQuadBezier() : DrawNode
- drawRect() : DrawNode
- drawScene() : Director
- drawSegment() : DrawNode
- drawSolidCircle() : DrawNode
- drawSolidPoly() : DrawNode
- drawSolidRect() : DrawNode
- drawSolidStar() : DrawNode
- drawStar() : DrawNode
- dst : BlendFunc
- dump() : AutoreleasePool
- dumpExtensions() : DriverBase, DriverGL
- DURATION_INFINITY : ParticleSystem