Axmol Engine 2.4.0-258ceca
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CAABBAxis Aligned Bounding Box (AABB), usually calculate some rough but fast collision detection
 CActionCoroutineBase class for Coroutine actions
 CActionInstantInstant actions are immediate actions
 CActionIntervalAn interval action is an action that takes place within a certain period of time
 CActionObjectScriptDataFor Lua, Wrapper the script data that should be used to find the handler corresponding to the Lua function by the nativeobject pointer and store the value pointer which would be converted concretely by the different events,then the converted data would be passed into the Lua stack
 CActionTweenDelegateThe delegate class for ActionTween
 CAnimation3DCacheAnimation3D Cache
 CAnimation3DDataAnimation data @js NA @lua NA
 CAnimationCacheSingleton that manages the Animations
 CAnimationFrameDataStruct that holds the size in pixels, texture coordinates and delays for animated ParticleSystemQuad
 CAsyncTaskPoolThis class allows to perform background operations without having to manipulate threads
 CAttributeInfoStore attribute information
 CAudioDecoderThe class for decoding compressed audio file to PCM buffer
 CAudioEngineOffers a interface to play audio
 CAudioPlayerSettings@js NA
 CAudioProfile@js NA
 CAutoPolygonAutoPolygon is a helper Object AutoPolygon's purpose is to process an image into 2d polygon mesh in runtime It has functions for each step in the process, from tracing all the points, to triangulation the result can be then passed to Sprite::create() to create a Polygon Sprite
 CAutoreleasePoolA pool for managing autorelease objects
 C<AXUITextInput>This protocol provides a common interface for consolidating text input method calls
 CBasicScriptDataFor Lua, Wrapper the script data that should be used to find the handler corresponding to the Lua function by the nativeobject pointer and store the value pointer which would be converted concretely by the different events,then the converted data would be passed into the Lua stack
 CBlendDescriptorStructor to store blend descriptor
 CBlendFuncBlend Function used for textures
 CBufferManagerA static class to manage BufferMTL Schedule next available buffer at the beginning of frame for the render pass
 CBundle3DDefines a bundle file that contains a collection of assets
 CClonableInterface that defines how to clone an Object
 CColor3BRGB color composed of bytes 3 bytes
 CColor4BRGBA color composed of 4 bytes
 CColor4FRGBA color composed of 4 floats
 CCommonScriptDataFor Lua, the CommonScriptData is used to find the Lua function pointer by the handler, then call the Lua function by push the eventName, eventSource(if it not nullptr), eventSourceClassName(if it is nullptr or "", and the eventSource is not nullptr,would give the default string "cc.Object") into the Lua stack as the parameter when the common event such as is triggered
 CConfigurationConfiguration contains some openGL variables
 CAnimation3D::CurveAnimation curve, translation, rotation, and scale
 CWebSocket::DataData structure for message view
 CWebSocket::DelegateThe delegate class is used to process websocket events
 CDepthStencilDescriptorDepth and stencil descriptor
 CTerrain::DetailMapDetailMap this struct maintain a detail map data ,including source file ,detail size
 CDirectorClass that creates and handles the main Window and manages how and when to execute the Scenes
 CAnimationFrame::DisplayedEventInfoWhen the animation display,Dispatches the event of UserData
 CDriverBaseNew or create resources from DriverBase
 CEditBoxDelegateEditbox delegate class
 CEmissionShapeParticle emission shapes
 CFastRNGA fast more effective seeded random number generator struct, uses xoshiro128**
 CFileUtilsHelper class to handle file operations
 CFontDefinitionFont attributes
 CFontFreeTypeFontFreeType is a class of rendering ttf/ttc characters
 CFontShadowTypes used for defining fonts properties (i.e
 CFontStrokeStroke attributes
 CFrustumFrustum is a six-side geometry, usually use the frustum to do fast-culling: check a entity whether is a potential visible entity @js NA @lua NA
 CGLContextAttrsThere are six opengl Context Attrs
 CHelperHelper class for traversing children in widget tree
 CHSLHue Saturation Luminance color space composed of 4 floats
 CHSVHue Saturation Value color space composed of 4 floats
 CHttpClientSingleton that handles asynchronous http requests
 CHttpRequestDefines the object which users must packed for HttpClient::send(HttpRequest*) method
 CHttpResponseDefines the object which users will receive at onHttpCompleted(sender, HttpResponse) callback
 CIMEDelegateInput method editor delegate
 CIMEDispatcherInput Method Edit Message Dispatcher
 CIMEKeyboardNotificationInfoKeyboard notification event type
 CKeypadScriptDataFor Lua, the KeypadScriptData is used to find the Lua function pointer by the nativeObject, then call the Lua function by push the actionType converted to string type into the Lua stack as the parameters when the Keypad event is triggered
 CLayoutComponentA component class used for layout
 CLayoutParameterProtocolProtocol for getting a LayoutParameter
 CLayoutProtocolLayout interface for creating LayoutManger and do actual layout
 CMap< K, V, H, E >Similar to std::unordered_map, but it will manage reference count automatically internally
 CMarginMargin of widget's in point
 CMat4Defines a 4 x 4 floating point matrix representing a 3D transformation
 CMaterialDataMaterial data, @js NA @lua NA
 CMaterialDatasMaterial datas, since 3.3 @js NA @lua NA
 CMathUtilDefines a math utility class
 CMeshDataMesh data @js NA @lua NA
 CMeshDatasMesh datas @js NA @lua NA
 CMeshMaterialCacheMeshMaterialCache: the MeshRenderer material cache, it can only cache textures for now
 CMeshRendererCacheMeshRendererCache: the cache data of MeshRenderer, used to speed up the creation process of MeshRenderer
 CMeshVertexAttribMesh vertex attribute @js NA @lua NA
 CMipmapInfoStructure which can tell where mipmap begins and how long is it
 CModelDataModel node data, since 3.3 @js NA @lua NA
 CNinePatchImageParserA class for paring Android .9 patch image
 CNodeDataNode data, since 3.3 @js NA @lua NA
 CNodeDatasNode datas, since 3.3 @js NA @lua NA
 CNTextureDataNew material, since 3.3 @js NA @lua NA
 COBBOriented Bounding Box(OBB): OBB is similar to AABB except the bounding box has the same direction as the MeshRenderer
 CObjectObject is used for reference count management
 CPaddedStringA dedicated class for easy load padded string for simdjson parser
 CParticleAnimationDescriptorStructure that contains animation description
 CParticleEmissionMaskCacheParticle emission mask cache
 CParticleEmissionMaskDescriptorParticle emission mask descriptor
 CParticleFrameDescriptorStructure that contains frame description
 CPlaneDefines plane @js NA @lua NA
 CPointSpriteVec2 Sprite component
 CPolygonInfoPolygonInfo is an object holding the required data to display Sprites
 CProgramManagerCache and reuse program object
 CPropertiesDefines a properties file for loading text files
 CQuad2A 2D Quad
 CQuad3A 3D Quad
 CQuaternionDefines a 4-element quaternion that represents the orientation of an object in space
 CRandomHelperA helper class for creating device dependent random number
 CRayRay is a line with one end
 CRectRectangle area
 CReferenceReference data @js NA @lua NA
 CRenderCommandBase class of the RenderCommand hierarchy
 CRenderPassDescriptorStore values about color, depth and stencil attachment
 CRenderQueueClass that knows how to sort RenderCommand objects
 CSchedulerScriptDataFor Lua, the SchedulerScriptData is used to find the Lua function pointer by the handler, then call the Lua function by push the elapse into the Lua stack as a parameter when scheduler update event is triggered
 CScriptEngineManagerScriptEngineManager is a singleton which manager an object instance of ScriptEngineProtocol, such as LuaEngine
 CScriptEngineProtocolDon't make ScriptEngineProtocol inherits from Object since setScriptEngine is invoked only once in AppDelegate.cpp, It will affect the lifecycle of ScriptEngine instance, the autorelease pool will be destroyed before destructing ScriptEngine
 CScriptEventThe ScriptEvent wrapper the different script data corresponding to the ScriptEventType in to the unified struct
 CShaderCacheCreate and reuse shader module
 CSkinDataSkin data @js NA @lua NA
 CSpriteFrameCacheSingleton that handles the loading of the sprite frames
 CRenderState::StateBlockDefines a block of fixed-function render states that can be applied to a RenderState object
 CStencilDescriptorStencil descriptor
 CStringUTF8Utf8 sequence Store all utf8 chars as std::string Build from std::string
 CT2F_QuadTexture coordinates for a quad
 CTerrain::TerrainDataTerrainData This TerrainData struct warp all parameter that Terrain need to create
 CTex2FA TEXCOORD composed of 2 floats: u, v
 CTextFieldDelegateA input protocol for TextField
 CTextureDescriptorStore texture description
 CTextureFlagTexture flags
 CTextureInfoGLStore texture information
 CTextureSamplerFlagTexture sampler flags
 CTouchesScriptDataFor Lua, the TouchesScriptData is used to find the Lua function pointer by the nativeObject, then call the Lua function by push touches data and actionType into the Lua stack as the parameters when the touches event is triggered
 CTouchScriptDataFor Lua, the TouchScriptData is used to find the Lua function pointer by the nativeObject, then call the Lua function by push touch data and actionType converted to string type into the Lua stack as the parameters when the touch event is triggered
 CTransitionEaseSceneTransitionEaseScene can ease the actions of the scene protocol
 CTrianglesCommand::TrianglesThe structure of Triangles
 CUriClass representing a URI
 CUserDefaultUserDefault acts as a tiny database
 CUtilsMTLCreate and manager default depth and stencil attachment
 CV2F_C4B_T2FA Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4B
 CV2F_C4B_T2F_QuadA Quad of V2F_C4B_T2F
 CV2F_C4B_T2F_TriangleA Triangle of V2F_C4B_T2F
 CV2F_C4F_T2FA Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4F
 CV2F_C4F_T2F_Quad4 Vertex2FTex2FColor4F Quad
 CV3F_C4B_T2FA Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4B
 CV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad4 Vertex3FTex2FColor4B
 CV3F_C4FA Vec3 with a vertex point, a color
 CV3F_T2FA Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point
 CVec2Defines a 2-element floating point vector
 CVec3Defines a 3-element floating point vector
 CVec4Defines 4-element floating point vector
 CVertexLayoutStore vertex attribute layout
 CLayoutHelper::VisibleRectCLASS VisibleRect
 CWebSocketWebSocket implementation using yasio